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Chinese Standard (GB 38995-2020) Published for 'Infant Feeding Bottles and Teats'


This compulsory standard – being the first of its kind -- specifies the terms, definitions, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, identification, transportation and storage of feeding bottles and teats (嬰幼兒用奶瓶和奶嘴). This standard does not apply to medical bottles and teats, nor pacifiers (安撫奶嘴).

In this standard, a number of mechanical, physical and labeling requirements have been stipulated, which are applicable to infant feeding bottles and teats (including bottle bodies, pacifiers and auxiliary parts) made of plastic, glass, metal, ceramic, silicon rubber, rubber or other materials. Compared with the similar European and American standards, this new Chinese national standard has added various additional technical requirements (denoted in bold below):

Physical and mechanical tests described in GB 38995-2020:

  • Free from foreign matters, gaps, holes, sharp points and sharp edges, etc.
  • Graduations and decorative prints meeting GB/T 9286 paints and varnishes
  • Volumetric labelling: graduations, nominal capacity, unit of measurement and volumetric accuracy
  • No small parts other than gravity balls and pinhole needles (safety warnings required for the two components)
  • Sealing disc ≥ 35 mm
  • Resistance to tearing
  • Proper fitting of components
  • Resistance to boiling water
  • Thermal shock
  • Sealing performance
  • Translucence property of feeding bottles
  • Drop resistance
  • Requirements for feeding teats and drinking accessories: protrusion, length, resistance to tearing & flexibility
  • Resistance to compressive deformation for plastic bottles
  • Water resistance, internal stress, mechanical shock for glass bottles


[See  version for more information]

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