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New HKCA Specifications for Type-Approval of Radio Equipment in Hong Kong


Four new HKCA specifications have been adopted for type-approval of radio equipment under the Hong Kong Telecom Equipment Evaluation and Certification (HKTEC) Scheme, which is operated by the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA). Suppliers or manufacturers of equipment falling into the scope of these specifications are required to ensure that their equipment meets the prescribed technical requirements, whether or not type-approval is a prerequisite for it to be used or marketed in Hong Kong. 

In addition, OFCA has announced with immediate effect that an IEC 62133* test report issued by an ISO 17025-accredited testing agency must be submitted as a supporting document for IEC/EN 60950-1 (Information Technology Equipment – Safety) test report evaluation, if the equipment is integrated with rechargeable battery.

[See version for more information]

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