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STC is Honored to be Awarded the “Industry Cares Recognition Scheme 2020” Again


STC (Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre) is honored to be awarded the “” for two consecutive years issued by the . 


“Industry Cares Recognition Scheme” is to recognize companies that bring good benefits to society and support more companies to pursue and implement Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).


The mission of STC is to serve the community, including manufacturers, consumers and the Government, by continuously improving product quality and safety, undertaking social responsibilities, actively participating in social activities, and striving to provide professional testing and certification services for companies in different industries, along with the concept and value of sustainable development and taking CSR into consideration at the same time.


Being the awardees of “Industry Cares Recognition Scheme 2020”, it fully recognized and affirmed the efforts of STC and all our staff members.

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