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EU The Labelling and Prohibition of Allergenic Fragrances in Toys


Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC lays down obligation to list out the names of specified allergenic fragrances, if added with concentrations exceeding 100 mg/kg. Those allergenic fragrances are listed in the table in the third paragraph of point 11 of Part III of Annex II to that Directive. Further, 2009/48/EC also lays down a general prohibition of certain allergenic fragrances in toys, as listed in the table in the first paragraph of point 11 of Part III of Annex II to that Directive, in order to protect children from allergies that those fragrances can cause when used in toys.

On2020-12-11, European Directives 2020/2088 and 2020/2089 were published to amend the said Toy Directive's Annex II. 


Effective Date:

All EU Member States shall apply those provisions from 5 July 2022.




[See  version for more information]

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